Friday, 6 June 2014

FREE African Drumming Workshops - Emancipation Acts

Enslaved Africans did not sit back and accept their lot as slaves. They rebelled in whatever way they could, no matter how small, until they won their emancipation. One of the ways in which they did this was to keep African culture alive including drumming, very important to African culture. This was seen as a threat because keeping a common culture alive meant slaves were far more likely to unite and fight back. It was so much of a threat that slave owners on St Kitts banned the use of drums altogether.

We're running weekly African drumming workshops starting Tuesday 24th June in Glasgow and through joining in you could be learning how drumming became an important part of emancipation celebrations.

Our workshop leader is Erick Mauricia, a very well known musician, dancer and choreographer. He co founded The Ayawara Ensemble. If you’ve seen a Glasgow based African percussion and dance group, then it was probably them. There is nobody better to give you the holistic approach to drumming that ensures you come out of the workshop with more than some knowledge of African culture, more than the therapeutic benefits of drumming and more than a new musical skill. You will get all 3!

You can simply participate in the workshops for their own sake, or you can also go on to perform in theatre project 'Emancipation Acts', which will take place in the Merchant City July 30th-August 1st as part of the Commonwealth Games celebrations - you choose.

We expect participants from a wide range of countries and cultures so if meeting new people from different backgrounds and sharing something special is your thing, you've come to the right place.

If you need help with travel costs we can cover it. And we can provide childcare if we know we need it. We also provide the drums!

Dates of workshops: (NB pre booking is essential.)

Tuesdays as follows
24th June, 6pm - 8pm
1st July, 6pm - 8pm
8th July, 6pm - 8pm
15th July, 6pm - 8pm
22nd July, 6pm - 8pm
One other date tba

Venue for workshops

Maryhill Community Central Halls, Maryhill Road

If you need help with travel costs we can cover it.

And we provide childcare.

Email for more information.

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